Our strategy

Our strategy for reaching the inner cities and minority communities with the gospel will be fueled in four ways:


…Serve-the-City Initiatives, Justice Leadership Schools, Singer and Songwriter Retreats and Mission Trips.

1. Justice Leadership School (JLS) JLS is designed to equip leaders in biblical worldview so they can righteously impact the social, cultural and political environment. JLS has formed a strategic alliance with Dean Nelson of Douglass Leadership Institute (DLI). DLI’s mission is to educate, equip and empower faith-based leaders to embrace and apply biblical principles to life. JLS

2. Singer & Songwriter Retreats P&A’s Singer and Songwriter Retreats are 3-Day intensive labs designed to inspire creativity for a collaborative music project production while working alongside other likeminded artist. Our goal is to produce music that will enable us to put a sound to missions.

3. Serve-the-City P&A will practically work to serve each city to which they are commissioned by outreaching to families and working with local churches. (For example: feeding the homeless, clothing drives, haircuts, trash pick-up, voter information projects, etc.)

4. Mission Trips P&A's Vision for missions trips is designed to give believers from within the inner cities, who've never been outside of their own city or neighborhood, the experience of sharing the gospel with other people groups in other nations as co-laborers in the gospel.
